As you may have noticed, I have been absent since last week…

We cleaned the house carpets last weekend and cleaned the house as well.
Well bleach happens to be one of my migraine triggers, but I was in such a cleaning mode and happy to see the results that I wasn’t thinking. 
The cleaning started on Sunday and went through Monday night, by Monday morning I had a migraine, but I kept on trucking ๐Ÿ˜‰
I washed the carpets several times, and cleaned walls and such. Monday night I was couch ridden with my head throbbing.  Tuesday it was a full blown migraine attack with all the fixings. 
So I stayed away from the computer for those days.  Migraine went through Wednesday night with me in bed in a dark room all day, just hurting terribly.
On Wednesday night I started having some terrible stomach pains as well.

1 year ago I had my gall bladder taken out from the same pains, and throughout this entire year without the gall bladder, I have continued to have the pains on and off, well Weds it just was over the top and just like on the day of the emergence surgery.  I had that stomach pain and residual migraine on Thurs, and thankfully my migraine is now 80%gone.  My stomach pains however are here, bad, and annoying. 

I am very sorry to all of my friends that participated in “Tag, you’re it!”
I could not even open my eyes from the migraine long enough to write a post.  I had no choice but to let it run through this week since I have no one else that hosts “Tag” with me ๐Ÿ™
I promise that I will still do the giveaways for the 3 people for last week.

Last year when we moved, my glasses were lost, and I have gone through this year without my glasses, I have noticed that my sight has gotten severely worst, I see mostly everything blurry all the time now, I can type and read because I go with recognition.  Yesterday I FINALLY had my eye exam and my Husband bought me a new pair of glasses, I get to pick them up tomorrow.  It has taken me so long to get the glasses because as you know, having one income for such a large Family means that a lot of the time Husb and I go without what we need to make sure the kids and house have what they need.  I could not let my eyesight be another factor for my migraines, so i decided to at least take care of that part for now.  Let me tell you it was so hard to let my husband spend the money on me for my glasses!

I have really missed all of you, through blogging, twitter, facebook, and texting!!!!
Since I get to pick up my glasses tomorrow, I will once again be able to read without headaches, so I know I will be around more often ๐Ÿ˜‰ 
Let me see, what else have you missed?
I have a facebook acct for my blog now ๐Ÿ˜‰  it’s very lonely ๐Ÿ™

Well here are the places you can find me at other than my blog, a lot of times I am on twitter throughout the day because it goes to my phone, so it’s a lot more accessible than my blog.
Twitter: @Militaryfamof8
Facebook: Blog facebook and Personal facebook

OOHHHH, before I forget, one more thing that has happened this week…
Someone nominated me for “Babble’s Favorite Twitter Moms”,
I had not asked anyone for votes because I didn’t know I was even on there until last night, but since the person has not come forward to tell me who they are, I am just going to say thank you on here and on twitter ๐Ÿ˜‰                        Thank you very much to the person who nominated me, and for the extremely touching bio that you gave me, it brought tears to my eyes to see that I am thought of that way, and to have read such a beautiful bio about me.  Thank you so much to you, and to everyone that has voted for me ๐Ÿ˜‰  i never would have thought that anyone would have chosen me for that title ๐Ÿ˜‰ or thought of me in such a great way ;D
Want to check it out?    The link is HERE and I was on page 2 last time I saw it.  You can search by popularity on page 2, or alphabetically.  I am nominated under the name: @Militaryfamof8  which is my twitter name ๐Ÿ˜‰          Thank you again ๐Ÿ˜‰

SO here was my recap for the week, why my absence was needed, hoping that I can once again be my old self and blog like I used too.  Do you remember what that was like?  I miss it, I miss all of you ๐Ÿ˜‰
Please stop by and play “Tag, you’re it!” if you are looking for new followers to ANY of your sites ๐Ÿ˜‰