Star Wars Experience: The Rise of the Resistance ride at Disneyland
The new Star Wars Rise of the Resistance ride at Disneyland is an experience like no other. When you enter the building, there are Stormtroopers and Rebel fighters everywhere to greet you. You then walk into a theater room that looks like it has been taken over by The First Order. After getting in your flight vehicle, you’re off on an adventure...
Fresh by Design.TM It’s refrigeration, reinvented.
This post is sponsored by Best Buy, all opinions are my own.
Fresh by Design.TM It’s refrigeration, reinvented.
This beauty is the perfect addition to any kitchen, it has all of the things needed to keep all of...
New and Fun Things To Do & Eat in HersheyPark- Hershey, Pa.
I recently attended a hosted three day stay in Hershey, Pa. where we got to learn about all the things- new and old! My Family had attended last summer and although it was a very fun day, you don’t always get to learn all about the park when visiting. This time it was different, it was all about the learning, tasting,...
Hershey, Pa Press Tour- All You Need to See #SweetWelcome
Last month I was invited to Hershey, Pa. for a #SweetWelcome tour and it was everything! Our Family visited Hershey Pennsylvania last summer when we visited Hershey Park and we have been planning to return this summer as a new yearly tradition. The Town of Hershey in itself was base for Hershey park and that was the extent of my knowledge, until this...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sodales, libero vitae sollicitudin pretium, lectus augue tempor turpis, et pharetra velit magna a sapien. Etiam accumsan suscipit justo, id volutpat risus varius sit amet. Curabitur semper mi faucibus arcu hendrerit lobortis. Aenean ut ante vel elit scelerisque sodales vitae et velit. Maecenas suscipit nunc lorem. Nulla tincidunt at nisl id euismod. Cras maximus, orci vitae vestibulum blandit, mauris tellus dapibus nibh, eleifend bibendum mauris...
Fight like a girl #LikeaGirl
This is a sponsored post for Always.
The point of the Always Live #LikeAGirl program is to show our girls what they can achieve in their world by helping them stay confident. Always and Walmart are encouraging girls to stay in sports and to persevere through failure—both of which are key confidence boosters. To make this possible, Always and Walmart are working to #EndPeriodPoverty.