Yay, we got through our second week of Tag 😉

It was fun, I appreciate everyone who played along  😉

If you don’t know what Tag Tuesday is, take a peek here at the first post

Tag Tuesday is simply put a game of Tag 😉
There is a spreadsheet attached to this game, and unlike other follow me meme’s;

On Tag, you can post the url’s to your blog, twitter, facebook, networkedblogs, and anywhere else you want followers in 😉

Today is Tuesday, New blank list goes up,

Remember to Tag everyone else above you, we are going by honor system 😉

I do go ahead and Tag everyone on the list 😉

Here is the Spreadsheet

Also, if you can, pls help promote the word out 😉

The more people know about Tag Tuesday, 
the more people will Tag you 😉
here is the link to this page:

A BIG thank you goes out to Jennifer at Product Reviews for helping promote “Tag”

If you posted about “Tag”, pls send me a comment and I will post your url here 😉
and just in case you really have to have a button 😉  
my daughter is showing off her skills:

Our 1st & 2nd week we had 17 players, 
let’s see if this week we can double that 😉