so on thursday i found an ad in the paper for twin china beds for sale, with dresser n chests, so i asked will to call and ask what twin china beds were. the lil boys need beds and all the kids need dressers.

will called and spoke to the lady, her name is Gracie. for 2 days they talked trying to find a right time for her to show us the furniture.
finally today, saturday, we got to go see it. we took the kids with us, and they are just a wonderful couple. she is an adorable older lady, and her husband is just as nice.

the furniture, she said, she had for 64 years, and before that, it was her mothers. it was brought from china, and she needs to let it go, because her and her husband need to let go of things because they cant care for many things anymore.

she said the furniture is a little over 100 years old!!!!!!! i am soo amazed by that, yes it has wear and tear, a little as expected with paint and age, but i am absolutely just soo happy and happier, lol that i have real furniture that is 100 years old, and from China.
to me that is so amazing, knowing that my grandmother is chinese and she left china when she was a lil girl, and just to know that i have something that dates back to being a chinese antique to me is special.

its 2 twin beds, a night stand, a dresser and a bigger dresser, all in typical chinese art style, the black paint and gold colored scrolls, but what i am so happy about is a lot of the art all over all of the furniture, is raised, like 3D.

i have no camera, it broke on christmas morning, and my phone is temp. suspended, so i cant even take pics with my phone 🙁
as soon as i can, i will post pictures, we just have to find a way to fix one of the boards that got broken, but we will work on that tomorrow.