Wisdomantics Family Game Q&A w/Creator and iPad Air 2 Giveaway
I recently shared with you a fun new game that my family had an opportunity to try called Wisdomantics. Wisdomantics is a really fun, family friendly game that allows players to gain the wisdom of King Solomon. This game has become one of my go to games, it helped keep my family sane on a long road trip and has since become one of our all time favorites. This is why I was excited about writing this post: Wisdomantics Family Game Q&A w/Creator and iPad Air 2 Giveaway, because not only can I share about how much I have actually enjoyed having this game, enjoyed my Q&A with Darrell, but also so happy about our giveaway this month.
Wisdomantics Family Game Q&A w/Creator and iPad Air 2 Giveaway

This game combines 400 multiple choice quotes from the book of Proverbs, with a bold, colorful interactive game board. The first player to build Solomon’s temple wins! It’s a perfect game for some friendly competition on family game night or when you are on a long trip like we were the first time we played; for more fun you can also challenge the computer if you are playing by yourself.
I recently had a chance to chat with Darrell Hutchinson, the creator of Wisdomantics for a little Q&A session. I would love to share it with you, so that you too may get to know Darrell a little better.
When will this app be available for Android users?
With regards to the Android app, I do not have a firm date as of today. My prayer is that it will be available between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2016.
How much will this game be in Google Play?
When developed, I intend to sell in Google Play for $2.99.
What can you tell us about updates, or new versions for this game?
I intend to release a NIV version upgrade for both the iOS and Android systems by the spring of 2017.
Do you have any new games or apps in mind for the future,
and can you give us a clue?
I do have another game in the works! Perhaps I could give you more insight in the coming months. However, I will say that it’s theme is totally different from Wisdomantics and the Proverbs of Solomon.
Do you have anything you would like to tell our Readers?
I do have a special message for your viewers. Please pray for my business (KINGDOM GAMES ENTERPRISES, LLC) so that I can fulfill His will and my goals for Wisdomantics. As the business grows, I can expand to the Android devices, add the NIV updates, and develop other ideas.
After our interview, Darrell emailed me and gave me some great news, I am SO incredibly happy to have met Darrell, and that I can see his next dream come into reality. Below is a snipet of his email:
Your questions about the Android app has triggered a need for an immediate response! Without question, this has now become my top priority. I just contacted my developer and am awaiting a response. Therefore, I believe it is safe to say, I am expecting the Android app to be developed by the fall. I hope to be signing a contract within the next couple of days which will initiate the development process. I will certainly keep you up to date with regards to any changes and a more firm delivery time frame. Again, your attention to detail and extra work has propelled me and my vision forward!
Wisdomantics blends chance, knowledge and strategy with an educational game that the entire family will enjoy. It’s good, clean fun that you will feel good about. Our entire family plays Wisdomantics together, it’s great for all ages. Even little ones can play along with their parents or siblings and still enjoy the game and the competition of building Solomon’s temple.
You can purchase Wisdomantics for only $2.99 in the ios app store by clicking here and you can like the Wisdomanctics Facebook page here.
As mentioned in our June post, we are hosting a giveaway for an
Ipad Air 2 Wi-Fi 16GB (ARV $399)
to one lucky reader!
Enter below and good luck!!!
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Visit Wisdomantics website and tell us below in a comment what you like most about it, i.e. informative, colorful, fun, helpful, etc.
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Giveaway ends September 5 11:59 p.m. Open Worldwide, for ages 13 & up. Adventures of a Military Family of 8 reserves the right to cancel entries if not submitted or done correctly. Please enter your email in the comments for notification of winner.
Thank you to everyone who participated, the winner has been verified and contacted for prize delivery. However, the winner asked us to remain anonymous, so in order to respect that; we can not show what comment was the winning comment.
Elena says
I like the video of the game on their site
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Thanks for the great giveaway and chance to win!! 🙂
ginette4 says
I love a game that has biblical quotes of wisdom, fantastic way to learn the bible 🙂
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I love that it looks so easy to use and learn
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ginette4 says
I like that it’s user friendly..I love that the game guides you through the easy step by step guidance
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Karen Giasson says
It is quite a colorful game that may gain kids interest in the bible.
ginette4 says
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Steve Weber says
I love how it combines technology, gaming and Biblical facts all in one!
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Christina Ferguson says
I really loved the set up of the Wisdomantics website. I was able to completely understand how the game is played. I also like that if you have a short attention span..you can scroll down to the video. Extremely user friendly.
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Andrea Williams says
I like how colorful it is and how it teaches useful wisdom from Scripture.
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Elena says
I visited their site and liked that this game combines 400 multiple choice quotes from the book of Proverbs
Lily @militaryfamof8 says
yes you have 😉
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Ronald Gagnon says
Easy to learn and use
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Elena says
I like the design of their site
Rebecca b says
I think I could learn so much from this game. I think my kids will love it in just a couple of years, just a bit young yet.
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Terry Poage says
I like that it has BIBLICAL TRUTH to it.
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I like that their site is user friendly
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Ronald Gagnon says
I love the challenge and competitiveness of the game
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I like how smooth of an experience using the website is! I like how the different images appear and move! Great site! 🙂
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I love how easy it is to navigate the Wisdomantics website! 🙂
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I like how much information is on the website! Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
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I love how colorful their site is.
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Jerry Marquardt says
I love the fact that Wisdomantics is a nice and fun game in which the players gain the magnificent wisdom of King Solomon.
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