Hi and Welcome ICLW members 😉

How are you?  In case you did not meet me at last month’s ICLW, here is the link to my post
click here

I have learned from a few ICLW’ers that I am not alone in any of these issues.

this is my main blog, I come here to share our lives with the world 😉
good and bad days, adventures and everything else, with the occasional reviews/giveaways 😉

I also have another blog, where I document my life, not my family’s, but mine, feelings, things i’m going through, depression for that one click here

On a fun note, I have a new blog, where I, and a few friends are participating in the 365 project, we have our links up and give each other the fun support 😉  feel free to stop by and join if you want for that one click here

Feel free to roam around, you don’t have to stay in this one, I understand.

I look forward to meeting all of you 😉